Friday, October 23, 2015

Python Script

Python script is a native computer code which can be used to run tools and set perimeters inside of Esri's ArcMap program. Python code can be very useful in performing tasks because it is a language which facilitates batch-processing and allows users to process multiple data set simultaneously.Furthermore Python coding also helps organize and keep track of data information prior to the mapping process which streamlines product completion. The Python scripts follow proper formatting protocol which help enable users to perform "Best Practices", and also allows users to further data integrity when using analysis tools.

In this first excersize, we were introduced to python coding, and used it to facilitate the projection, extraction(load) and clip 3 rasters which we downloaded from online sources. For our project, this enabled us to quickly and efficiently work with our raster data sets. Python is very expansive and powerful, and can be used by a variety of computer programs.

Python Code One:
Figure 1: Python coding used to project, extract and clip multiple raster datasets in our Sandmineing project.

Figure 2: Displaying the python code written for exercise 7. The script loads and projects rasters in a Batch format. Delineation and setting variables facilitated a efficient system for the sand mine project.

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